I am for an artist who vanishes, turning up in a white cap painting signs or hallways. (Thank you, Claes Oldenburg.)

I am for an artist who reappears, turning up in a black cap painting signs in hallways and on buildings and doors.

I am for an artist who recognizes the value of her time and labor.

I am for an artist who knows she cannot easily be replaced.

I am for an artist who cannot be bought even where her work is sold.

I am for an artist who wrestles with her demons and invites them to dinner.

I am for an artist who cannot be fooled by the glossy sheen of charlatans.

I am for an artist who understands that making work is work, not privilege.

I am for an artist who says 'fuck' and ‘fuck it’ and ‘fuck you,’ too.

I am for an artist who carries her own power.

I am for an artist who knows her own worth.

I am for an artist who digs in the dirt and stares at the stars.

I am for an artist who owns the city.

I am for an artist who plays with fire and leans into the burn.

I am for an artist who leads.

I am for an artist who follows.

I am for an artist who perseveres.

I am for an artist who cannot be swayed.

I am for an artist who cannot be crushed.

I am for an artist who can distinguish the talk from the walk.

I am for an artist who is ready to bury an outmoded system.

I am for an artist who does not pay for inclusion or rejection.

I am for an artist who innovates.

I am for an artist who cocoons to radiate.

I am for an artist who slays giants.

I am for an artist who howls from the rooftops.

I am for an artist who shows up.

I am for an artist who harnesses fear.

I am for an artist who digs deep.

I am for an artist who thinks.

I am for an artist who reads.

I am for an artist who creates.

I am for an artist who destroys.

I am for an artist who manifests.

I am for the Artist.

Written by Sarah Bouchard

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